There-s-as-much-to-unlearn-as-there-is-to-learn Tuhi Stationery Ltd

There's as much to unlearn, as there is to learn

For many of us - there is as much to 'un learn' as there is to 'learn'.  I love old school desk calendars and wanted to make something that would look good, be functional, and most importantly - be a learning resource.  Something that could teach some basics and spark an interest to learn more.

Why-Do-We-Still-Love-Using-Hard-Copy-Planners Tuhi Stationery Ltd

Why Do We Still Love Using Hard Copy Planners?

Our hard copy daily planners are our businesses top sellers.  When technology is meant to automate so much of our life, and see the end of all things paper based - why do we people still love hard copy planners?