Colourful set of A7 sized cards about the Maramataka - Please note these cards match the other resources in the Hina Children's set, and would encourage you to look at the children's moon phases poster available on this page to match with the cards.
There are 63 cards in total
6 x Ahua Cards - It is/ not a good day for....
9 x Me Cards - Suggestion Cards, ie "Me pukumahi - Be Productive"
8 x Atua Cards - Some Atua/Gods associated with some lunar phases - ie Ranginui
8 x Mata Cards - 8 lunar phases (5 most common, plus 3 give back lunar phases)
32 x Mahia Cards - 32 different activity cards, ie "Whakarongo puoro - listen to music
The card set is suitable to learn and play with at home, or in a class setting
Environmental Impact
This product is manufactured in NZ by FSC Certified printers using sustainable paper and vegetable soy based inks. The print is standard sized and double sided to reduce waste.