Top 5 Benefits of our Daily Planners - Tuhi Stationery Ltd

There’s lots of benefits to using our daily planners, but the top 5 we commonly hear from our community are;

  • Feeling more organised and in control 
  • One place to keep track of all life’s big and little details
  • Motivation to achieve goals
  • Retention of knowledge and reminders
  • Contentment knowing you are making the most of every day

A daily planner will help you keep track of all the things that need to get done in your day/ week/ month/ year – so that you run your life, not the other way around.

Feeling more organised and in control of life events and the everyday

Our lives can be hectic and crazy (yes we know there’s been a pandemic) with so many places and events to remember, how do you not feel overwhelmed and in a hot mess? A planner can help you feel more in control of your day, so that you run your day/ week/ month/ year – not the other way around. Getting into the habit of setting your annual goals, broken down into monthly and weekly tasks, and then planning out your day can bring immense feelings of peace, knowing you got this.

One place to keep track of all life’s big and little details

For many of us, we will live by our scheduler at work, that can sometimes be public in your workplace so that people can schedule in meetings with you.  But where do you put all your personal reminders, or your health and wellbeing goals, your budget notes, birthday reminders, errands…and space to be grateful every day – yes, that’s where planners are hard to beat!

Motivation to achieve goals

Our Daily Planners (bilingual and Te Reo Maori) include month in view spreads for each month.  At the beginning of the daily planner, you can identify your big goals in our “Oku Whainga – My Goals” and then break down those big goals into mini goals across the 12 months of the year. In June – at the time of Matariki (celebrating the Maori New Year) – you can then take stock of your progress to date, reflect on how you are going with your goals – and make whatever changes necessary across the remaining months to see those goals achieved.  These features all help you to stay motivated

Retention of knowledge and reminders

We all know that when you write things down, you remember them better.  Its not just something we are told at school, it actually does help you to remember things.  However, in our busy worlds, its remembering where you wrote that something important down that becomes the challenge! A daily planner lets you keep everything all in one place.  Keep it with you everyday, and you wont lose track of any little notes or reminders you write yourself daily.

Making the most of every day

There’s several ways our planners help you make the most of each day.  From a daily scheduler starting at 5am, a daily reminder of priorities and things to do, notes areas to not lose track of anything, and then a space to track your energy levels and gratitude. On a weekly basis, each Sunday we have space to reflect and review the week that’s passed, its challenges and learnings, wins and highlights – and then the goals for the week ahead.  There are so many ways that your daily planner can help you make the most of every precious day you have. 


It's true that getting organized and using your daily planner won't solve all of your problems, but it will make juggling them a little easier. You'll have more time for the things you want to do, and it can be the strongest tool in your arsenal to help you reach every one of the goals on your list.  Remember – the ones you set at the beginning of the year, yes those ones.  Run your day, don’t let your day run you, and reap all the benefits of using a daily planner

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